The address for this blogrant was born when I uttered it hearing that Trump had won his first election. A friend said, “Hey that would make for a good website!” And so I snatched it. I was convinced, as was soothsayer Nate Silver (who just won’t go away), that there was no way a sexist spoiled crooked con man could win. But then I never watched him on TV, where, I eventually learned, he thrilled millions by repeating “You’re fired” to countless job applicants. Kinda like rooting for the lions rather than the Christians.
I knew of the undemocratically skewed electoral college and that many were unhappy with the economy – brought to us by Reagan and the Hoover Institution with it’s No Government like No Government and then Bill Clinton’s smarty smarmy commitment to the free market. Also unhelpful was Hillary’s elite vibe – “I could have stayed home and baked cookies” – which had incensed my Mother, a military wife who raised four kids.
But how could anyone, of sound mind support the asshole? There were millions of my countryfolk who were clearly not rational, not right in the head, just plain infuckinginsane. Civility, rationality, respect for diverse opinions and life styles gave way to hate, fear and nastiness. I am well aware that I often continue to fail at being civil, rational and respectful, but I have always worked at avoiding being hateful, and nasty. But who, now cannot but be afraid?
I decided to wake up my unused website and toss my two sense into cyberspace, knowing full well, that in this I am pretty much pissing in the wind. But consider it my Trump Therapy. Vexed Venting.
WTF as they type these days is happening to my country? In what follows are schemes and dreams and means that have been and continue to be rattling round in me brainpan and that I hope may help provide some answers and, hopefully, cultivate resistance.
And I hope upwards!