The following, for example, are the members of the inner circle of Kennedy advisors who for a period of two weeks during the Cuban missile crisis sat in almost continuous session…..:

Lyndon Johnson:  representative of Texas oil interests

Dean Rusk: former president of the Rockefeller Foundation

Robert Mcnamara:  former president of Ford Motors

Robert F. Kennedy:  multi-millionaire from Boston

Douglass Dillion: a former president of Dillion Reed

Rosewell Gilp[atrick:  a corporation lawer from New York

John McCone:  a multimilionaire industrialist

Dean Acheson: a corporation lawyer and former Secretary of State

Robert Lovett: an investment banker with Brown Brothers, Harriman

General Maxwell Taylor, former chairman of  Mexican Light and Power

George Ball: a Washington corporation lawer, soon to join Lehman Brothers

—Felix Greene:  The Enemy



Tech tycoon Elon Musk joined a call between US President-elect Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the day after the presidential election, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.

According to another source, Trump was with Musk at Mar-a-Lago when Zelensky called to congratulate the president-elect for what a source briefed on the call described as a positive and cordial conversation.